Sunday, 27 January 2008

ten years

I was looking at the young people in my neighbourhood today, and started talking to them for a very short while... and after that I went back home and I thought of something.

Ten years ago, people my age would have hardly the opportunities that I have today. I expect that ten years on, people my age would have opportunities I can hardly imagine today. So I think one of the challenges is, how do we prepare our young people for those opportunities that would otherwise blow our minds today?

Ten years on, we'll see even more innovations about the social-technosphere, and more opportunities for growth. Then... what will we do with our young people?

What kind of education will exist for them? How will the social landscape look like? How will the world have changed? Will the education catch up with the global transformations by then? Will our young people be ready for all these?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... will the young people even give a flying fuck?