Sunday 8 June 2008

Thoughts on a late run

I went for a late run, and a deceptively simple idea came to me.

The title of the idea was: the Singapore survey of futures and values.

Like what it says, the aim of the survey would be to ask Singaporeans across a wide demographic range about the futures they imagine and the values they live by. It is deceptively simple, because as usual, it is actually extremely complex, and the key is to make it simple and doable within 30s, and be able to capture the gist of Singapore's challenges in the future and the kind of place they want to live. Questions must not be leading or require too much thought, and maybe a pre-survey pamphlet would have to be given out to ensure that people know what they are doing. It must be easy enough to capture a snapshot of the hopes and aspirations of Singaporeans and what they might want to see.

I can imagine that there are many 'Singapores' out there, according to the demographics, according to income gaps, education level, affiliation to religion, the like...

It is so simple, yet so difficult. Sigh.

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