Friday 11 July 2008

The Future of Knowledge

Before this disappears into some darkness in my mind, I'm going to note it down here.

The future of knowledge is knowledge itself. It sounds like, 'duh', right now, since for example, the future of people is about... 'people' itself.

Or rather, data, or the acquisition of it, will become rather irrelevant, and will probably take second place to the management of the information itself. As it is becoming blindingly obvious, it won't be about the information itself - it won't even be about what the information means - it will be about the relation of some knowledge to other areas of knowledge. It will be about connections, the link of a piece of knowledge to another - that's what the future of knowledge will be about.

On surface, it might seem rather innocuous, but gradually, I believe/hope, universities will begin to think in this direction, and start to think about different areas of knowledge in completely different ways - instead of being separated, I believe it won't be too long before the walls come down, and hopefully - an explosion of explorations, of multidisciplinary research begins.

For now, these are only dreams, but it won't be too long before it becomes reality. I can only hope to be there when it happens - or better yet, making it happen...Technorati Tags: , , , , ,

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