Wednesday 14 January 2009

not a good science, on the second day of school...

Today was only the second day of school and already I'm feeling much negativity.

Already committed some mistakes, many things still undone, and this dreariness in school... Somehow I'm not feeling excited about school and learning, and I'm wondering if its because... there's no more writing module to do? Or is it some lingering sadness that the semester was past, and that things will NOT be the same.

I have to accept a lot of tings. That this is a time to learn about accepting myself, and accepting the role of other people in my life. That personal isolation is not such a bad thing, that out of all the experiences in life, something good will come out of all these, because well, its God. He's in control of everything. As simple as that. The semester will be tough, but He will not give me something I cannot handle. And I must get motivated again, to write and think, to continue to push my own academic and intellectual frontiers.

Its time to get working again. and to learn to rest too, in the midst of everything. Whatever happens, happens, but it all happens because of God.

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