Wednesday 5 March 2008

olpc and some other stuff

I am beginning to be interested in bringing OLPC to Singapore especially to the lower-income group. Of course I did my homework, and it's rather disappointing the way MOE has done its ICT. It's frankly speaking, bullshit that allows vendors to gain extra profits at no value-addedness to the kids. Its sad that our children have to withstand shit like that.

Oh well. lately I've written 2 essays about my life and how it has led to me where I am today, on the edge of everything. It's great that I have found a group of people to relate to, to talk to, people who have the dare and the courage to fight for their ideas and live every moment of their lives to see it becoming a reality. I don't know why, but I just don't have the guts yet, probably because there are too many things pulling me in different directions.

Things won't work out so well yet, I guess, and for now, my life is this mess that's struggling to self-organized.

Till another time.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quit the ABC and DEF and GHIJ otherwise no one's going to understand you, you SUSOB.