Sunday 16 March 2008

There isn't much...

I haven't been writing, I know, but I have been thinking still. Here I am, here all the yong people are, with all of these technologies - I think right now we should begin to see ourselves as actively building the future that we will own. I think that right now, we really can do something, and all we need is to DARE ourselves enough and we'll do it. Not just big macro changes, like revolutions or whatever, but if we can start micro-revolutions of our own, like talking to people enough, eventually, things can get done, and things will happen. We just need to believe it.

I know I haven't walked enough of Singapore and all, and I haven't known enough what goes on everywhere, but I'm just extremely distracted. I'm torn between high-tech and low-tech stuff, and I'm just torn and divided everywhere. I am unfocused, because I can't decide where to put my focus on, and I'm just, hesitating all the time to commit to anything. Which isn't a good place to be at.

I guess I'm really just waiting for university. Aaargh.

mnstr: I know this is old shit, and I know I really need to go and do something. But I will. And I need time.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All this can change only if you'll stop jacking off to TED. It's screwing you up.