Sunday 10 February 2008

Innovate, Innovate!

Statements like the following one have been made so many times that it seems cliched: that innovation is going to be the key to success in this century.

Innovation has to become part of the DNA of any society or country in order for that particular society or country to be economically successful in the long run. In order words, innovation has to be part of the education curriculum, so that every generation of children that has gone through schooling will be ready to innovate solutions...

I don't know how else to put it - innovation is something that can never be overemphasized, and the same regarding the urgency, right here in Singapore. Are we adapting fast enough? Are we nurturing innovation?

Which brings us to the entire issue of the patterns of innovation, the factors that nurture innovation and things like that. Are we adapting our society for innovation? I think these are some of the questions that are keeping policy-makers up at night. Well, at least I hope they bother to think of these things. Because I think that the challenge to innovate is one of the most important and urgent problems, and a long term one at that, that Singapore will have to face in order to become successful as a global city.

And innovation will be closely tied to our education, society and culture... how we adapt them for this century...

maybe we could adapt more Montessori philosophies into primary school education for a start...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Innovation is good! We need innovation. How are we going to innovate?


The innovative horse is dead already. Get another horse to beat instead. That, or stop beating it in the same spot.