Friday 8 February 2008

Past acaedmic projects

I was looking at my older notebooks, and a past entry jumped out at me. It was something of a more academic nature, and it reflected my past interest in a lot of things.

I went to check out the modules offered at NUS, and was kinda underwhelmed at the things they offered. Arh well. As it turned out, the modules offered wheren't exactly what I had in mind, when matched against my academic interests. Arh well.

I thought civilisation studies would be about the overarching concepts about what defines a civilisation and the factors that made it so. Apparently, the people at NUS who created the module turned into case studies into specific civilisations...

I don't know. I looked again at the modules offered in the special term, and I'm underwhelmed again. Maybe now I'll just take like 2 modules or something, especially maybe that USP module on 'emerging global politics' which I hope it will be about what it says and not some specific case study once more, and something else, which I can't see yet.

Anyway, what inspired the post was this diagram that I drew of the ideas that were in my head, ideas that basically revolved around how the sciences and the humanities were connected. So there was this whole mess of lines and words...

Which brings me to my interest now. Trying to learn Java so I can make my own programme to illustrate this mental map in a digital sense, and being able to manipulate it, zoom into it, and see how ideas are connected to one another. And now I can't really learn Java due to some cock-up with my com, hope to get the problem fixed after I get my laptop.

Anyhow, there is an emerging connectedness between myriad branches of academic disciplines. Research into brain science is converging with ethics - the processes that are going on in our brains everytime we make an ethical judgement. Research in networks has led to breakthroughs in economics, neuroscience, ecology, among others. The academic world is abuzz with interdisciplinary talk.

I only hope NUS might be an epicenter of such buzz in Singapore...

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