Wednesday 13 February 2008

Morning thoughts

It just dawned upon me that good design is the product of aesthetics, with considerations to the human and social aspects, and that a good design product will also be ultimately linked to good science. aiyah. this is really just common sense.

Anyhow, was wondering if it'll be possible to adopt some of Google's office practises into the civil service. Would that be possible? Dreaming of slightly random things..

Mainly I keep thinking about ideas and concepts and how to make them real.

And more ideas. Imagine carrying a giant piece of a writng medium of any material - paper, canvas, whatever it might be, bring it to the street, give people markers and other writing materials, and just ask them to express themselves, their ideas, of if you want a theme, 'What do you think of Singapore?' have it at places of heavy pedestrian traffic, like Orchard Road or any other place, and then... just let people freely themselves! Especially schools! woohoo! So on that surface, people could write about their complains, their gripes, their thoughts, fears, or even what they think about the government and things like that...

Bet that'll beat the heck out of the Feedback Unit!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a better idea. You put that idea of yours into action. It's not too expensive to get a giant piece of canvas and some markers, and besides you've got all the time in the world anyway.

Though from a purely practical point of view, you're just wasting your time and people will think you're crazy.

But if it makes you happy, then why not?