Thursday 21 August 2008

Extrapolating the One Machine


Anyway, was on the train viewing Kevin Kelly's One Machine talk from The EG (TED's partner conference), AND THIS IS A MUST-WATCH!!!

As I was on the train, there was some stupid glitch that kept delaying departure of the train by a few minutes at some stops. It became quite irritating with the inane announcement of the delay and 'Sorry for the inconvenience caused'. Suddenly, Kevin Kelly's talk resonated with me.

He was talking about the Internet of Things, where objects of our reality become interconnected with one another - ubiquity computing not just in discrete machines, but EVERYWHERE. Everything is information, and that information is shared, edited, created, modified, and directly translatable into physical reality - hacking the rules of physics/reality, so to speak. (Another thought is rising up - how to code for reality...) Information being represented on the physical reality... Consequences are immense.

On a more mundane level, Kevin Kelly postulates the One Machine as a single organism - a living thing of information. It then occurs to me, what if entire nations ARE and SHOULD be organisms too, in the literal sense. Everything obeying simple rules causing complex phenomena - and maybe this is where society should be moving towards - Lawrence Lessig and the concept of Creative Commons, and such. If MRT has glitches, the entire network of public transport responses to this glitch, inasmuch as immune systems respond to foreign bodies and viruses! Buses are activated, ushers come, people are guided to their destinations through this network, especially if people are in a rush.

How might it work for education, information transmission? What we have essentially = effectively centralised centres of power, but decentralised process of information control. Eventually, even political power will be decentralised, the coalescing of political power around productive communities that will take most advantage of the decentralised process of information control, and as a result, more people wishing to take part in that process, and it'll be inclusive. I don't know how everything will work out, but everything will work out.

Thinking about my tagmonster! Initially, files will use titles and statistically significant phrases (that amazon uses), then, incorporating social elements - associating files with people, and associating people with tags as well, and then the graphical interface that allow people to organise by tags and people - people's tag and file associations, tag's people and file associations, and of course file's people and tag associations.

Mozilla's Aurora. Something like that. Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

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