Wednesday 27 August 2008

photosynth madness!

Am sick. Sick because i made the stupid decision to go running at about 1am going around NUS ferocious uphills and downhills. Think overexerted. plus bad food. makes for a bad combination. but i know God will heal me!

been using photosynth, and its been great! people using windows vista, go download it! find my hotmail nick and see the stuff that i'm doing already! having a goal of sorts to create synths of NUS' lecture theatres and canteens for a start. its a wonderful social tool that has the potential to create new sorts of interactions between people - because i think photosynth is a rather powerful tool to get to te eye of the person - what the person is seeing himself - a new degree of immersion and experience, which i think what photosynth is also about.

meanwhile, gotta go zzz soon. if tmrw symptons persist, i'll make my first trip to UHWC.

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