Tuesday 5 August 2008

the future of computing is mobile, and the future of mobile is Nokia!

While in the midst of my fascination over the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet, I chanced upon some concept videos of Nokia latest research. These videos are about the concept, and these gadgets are still years, if not decades later. They are the Morph - which is a dream come true, the Aeon, and the 888. These projects, taken together, represent a company that dares to dream ahead, that dares to define the future of the mobile - no longer just as a phone, but an all-encompassing life-device, and I do mean it in the literal sense. Nokia has obviously envisioned a future where a single mobile device becomes the main way we interact with everything in our life and with the environment, both social and physical. These words are an understatement to the amazing sense of imagination that the people at Nokia have, and the only other company that seems to have that capacity of imagination is probably Apple or even Google, with other companies a long way behind. Yes, that means Samsung, Sony-/Ericsson, Microsoft, HP, HTC, and all that...

Along these lines, the future of hardware is software, and vice-versa. When nanotech redefines the interface between hardware and the interaction, when the hardware becomes the UI itself. The current trend of touch interfaces is only just the beginning...

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