Saturday 2 August 2008

tech reproducing itself

I tried to think about Technology from its own point of view. I began with the question that Kevin Kelly asked: what does tech want? is it a new form of life that is really about self-survival?

so that got me started. Human beings are constantly consuming technology - mobile phones, internet, information streams and such. And the way we are consuming technology, is moving away from the brute-force kinds of consumption, and we are gradually making it resembling life itself - increasing diversity, increasing specialisation, and now we are talking about adaptive technology, technology that is aware of itself and aware of other forms of technolgoy - might we be really creating a new form of life through technology? That technology are memes that are using human beings to perpetuate themselves? It's fascinating to think of it in terms of - 'mobile phones are taking over the world!', or 'the Internet is taking over the world!'. So the question is, is technology really taking over the world, and just trying to perpetuate, reproduce itself? Does technology have its own agenda of self-survival? Is technology merely adapting itself to suit the functions of man? Hmm...

Maybe not. Maybe we are still on top of this meme-chain, and still having the ultimate power to stop the spread of our memes...

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