Sunday 20 April 2008

Climate change and geopolitics

I think this is just a follow-on of the previous post about climate change and the ensuing conflicts that will arise - specifically, conflicts centred around dwindling resources that turn into political-military conflicts, ie, full scale war. In the ensuing decades to come, the world will lurch from war to war, as the globalization reverses and the world's regions become increasingly isolated from one another, except for a few refuge or safehavens, far from war or resource depletion - ecologically sustainable places. That world is scary. And unthinkable. Billions will die by the century's end. And the world will leave that century much poorer, and more importantly, irreversible. We won't be able to undo what we've wrought and mankind will eke on this depleted existence for the next few millenia - assuming we can survive this bottleneck at all.

So now the thing is, can we avoid the most grim of possibilities?

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