Friday 11 April 2008

some crazy kerfunky ideas.

Twitter is such a useful tool. Microblogging aside, its a great tool to keep track of the thoughts being generated as you surf the web. Kinda cool, to be able to record your mental state and ideas. The second best thing to a mental recorder embedded in the head.

Today I had a couple of really vague ideas, and they centre around the notion of an informational society - that unless society and its individuals actively take part in, and create information content, only then the society can make a move towards innovation. Its an ongoing information revolution, about how information - blog, videos, podcast and all, how all these things are changing the very fabric of our lives.

The other idea I had was that I realised that I'm really a connector. I think I wrote down somewhere, that I would like to know everything, but since thats impossible, I connect similar things together, like the TED presentations I like, the books I read, the websites I surf, and how all of these connect together, first within themselves, then with each other. Towards ever more convergences, no matter how tangential they seem to each other. That's my driving force for the term 'tanvergence'. haha. right.

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