Tuesday 8 April 2008

introducing my wunderful projects

these are the projects that have been on my mind...

My wunderful projects

1. Combining Google Earth and Gapminder
Statistic mapped onto geographical data. Have seen Google Maps, not impressed by it. Lacks... interactivity.
Wanting users to know data only when they want to see it - leverages on the user's own curiosity.

2. OLPC in Singapore
-Bringing XO laptops to low-income families to help them escape poverty trap, then scaling it up to the entire country.
Meant to bridge digital divide in Singapore, and bring those lower-income families into the mainstream of Singapore society.

3. Bring ideas from TED, BIL, Seed, Edge, DLD to Singapore
Creating Singapore/regional set of Digerati (Edge people who have gone on to do a lot of other stuff), to propel region to a different phase of economic growth, intensely leveraging on technology.

To bring the ideas of these conferences to Singapore students to let them be aware of what actually goes on at the cutting edge.

4. Creating a geographically-based social networking site,
that deals heavily in maps, so you can literally see who loves near you. (Exists already, am told)

5. A social networking site that focuses on different areas of our lives, organising our relationships.

6. Networked HDB flats.
Integrating digital life with real life. For building better communities.

7. Digital control systems for construction? (a la Gundam, mechas, walkers)

8. Creating tools (digital or otherwise) that will enable the elderly to live more productive lives - a more concerted effort to work on GUIs and machines that will enable easier information input (better keyboards, mouses, Wii controllers)

9. A database of bus routes with pictures.
So that people will know exactly where they are going and match it with the landmarks they see.

10. Connecting people with blogs
Using blogs to connect people - creating a mapping of friend-blog networks.

We have never been this close to a turning point...
Perhaps in the attempt to bring some of these ideas, and in fact, through the implementation of some of these ideas, we might be able to form a network of people who are aware of the trends of the future, and work towards that future. We want to create a community of people who are also socially aware of the things going on in this world, who have a holistic mindset in dealing with the problems of our world.

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