Sunday 27 April 2008

why connecting?

I'm getting this feeling all the time, to enable people to connect with information, to contextualise information to individuals, and contextualising the things they read into their lives. Like a life-mindmap. How everything in their life connects. And to make the tool that will allow people to do just that. And share this connections with their friends.

This is like so loopy, but I would like to think that I try to think of everything in the context of everything else. I like the self-referential theme, because it's really what I think about most often. Information in the context of my own life, my own life in the context of the information, and how the information that I come across everdyday, how that information makes sense within themselves in the whole ecology of ideas.

I think I need to read up slightly on Tony Buzan and Mindmapping.

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1 comment:

Jennifer Goddard said...

Connecting is important. I remember hearing Tony Buzan quote Leonardo Da Vinci "Everything we do connects to everything else we do." I think Michael Gelb's Book "How to Think Like Leonardo" calls it "Connectioni