Saturday 19 April 2008

the green mood continues

Lately i've been on an environmentally-inclined mood, which means I'm looking everything through the perspective of sustainable development - politics, life, social, education... ok. It's not that all-encompassing but its a perspective I take on once in a while, and it cycles, evidently. Meanwhile, another phase is coming in, and its about geopolitics and the upcoming phase of a non-american centric world. Books like, Second World, End of Dreams, New Asian Hemisphere, Rivals, are all books about the new Asia-centric century and what it means for the new world.

I think part of my intellect life that is exciting is because I'm holding both geopolitical and environmental ideas at the same time, and I can say that right now, there isn't a lot of intersection between the two, which made me think of current affairs, journalists and the environment, two very different areas, and a chasm developing between the two. Its not very nice to see both worlds so segregated. There really ought to be a book that spans the two. And I think Thomas Friedman's new book in August is the first of its kind - finally, a current affairs book that talks about enviromnment like it does about terrorism, globalization and the like that have been appearing. I expect that in the months to come following the publication, more books of mixed topics will come into the market.

Thats a fairly standard idea. Nothing too revolutionary. But I'm betting that more books about the environment will hit mainstream into the opinion-makers world.

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